Event Registration

Join us every Monday evening in March at 7pm PST for our March Madness Webinar Series! Register once for all 5 webinars, need to miss a week, or only interested in a few? no problem! (but we will still email you the link). These sessions are only available live at this time, so mark your calendars! This event is free for HCBC members but pre-registration is required, non-members can register for $100+tax.

March 3rd – Dr. David Paton Some Do’s and Don’ts That  Might Save Your Horses Life

March 10th - Dr. Steve Chiasson: Acupuncture Treatment for Horses

March 17th  - Dr. Michelle Husulak: Equine Parasites: Best Practices for Treatment and Prevention

March 24th - Dr. Erin Pinnell: Thermoregulation in Horses: Blanketing and Clipping in Context to your Environment

March 31st - Debra Cornish: Helmets & Safety Vests: An Overview of Innovation and Industry Standards

Zoom links will be emailed out at 10am the day of each session. We use the HCBC newsletter system (Mailchimp) to send out the email links, if you are unsubscribed to our emails you will not receive the link. If you think you might be please email [email protected] for assistance in re-subscribing.

If you are having troubles registering please check out this helpful guide: https://hcbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/HCBC-Event-System-Registration-How-To.pdf


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